This Simple Rule Is The Secret To Creating Awesome Relationships
Have you ever heard of the 90:9:1 rule?
Sometimes it’s called the 1% rule and it applies to online groups (it even has its own Wikipedia page!).
It states that an online group of critical mass usually breaks out like this:
1% — People who create original content
9% — People who don’t create, but engage with and share content
90% — People who don’t create, engage, or share — they only observe
What’s this mean for you?
When I work with a client, we create a list of 150 contacts — 15 people at 10 target companies.
That’s an online group of critical mass!
We can use the 90:9:1 rule to understand how to reach out.
For the 90% group of Observers, that’s usually going to be a cold email.
But for the 10% of creators and engagers, we have the opportunity to engage with them in a totally different way!
The key to creating connections is meeting people where they are most active.
That could be email, LinkedIn, Twitter, a personal site, etc.
Understanding where your contact is excited to connect can drastically improve your response rates.
Don’t lock yourself into one channel.
Be creative and know your audience!